Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Food, Giggles, and More Food
Caden is almost eight months old!

You can click the picture to enlarge it.

He is a total pro at sitting up and loves to play with his toys...especially the tags on the toys. :)

He's been eating food for about six weeks now.  The pictures here are from his very first time.  He wasn't quite sure what to make of it.  

Chris had to keep distracting him and making him laugh in order for me to sneak the spoon in.  It took a while for him to like it.  He went through a phase where he wouldn't open his mouth at all.  He even mastered a tight close-lipped smile because he knew I'd sneak that spoon in there. 

Now that he's been at it for a while he loves it.  His favorites are strawberry apple, green beans, and blueberry pear.  

Caden is such a happy baby!  He's always smiling and laughing and rarely cries.  I am constantly being told that my second one won't be like that.  We will see :) In the mean time, I'm enjoying this little smiley one.

Here are some of the great pictures from his sixth month photo shoot at Chrissie Caughlin Park!
He threw his arm up there all on his own.  Such a stud.

Caden was a lion for Halloween (just for fun, he didn't go trick-or-treating) but we had to put on his pumpkin for the heck of it.  I bought the pumpkin when I found out I was pregnant..before I even knew what I was having.  He thought the pumpkin was pretty fun.  It made for good rolling and falling over.

                Playing with Gramma and Grampa on Halloween

Caden got his first two teeth in one weekend...over Nevada Day.  Since then everything and anything belongs in his mouth.  It's such an obsession that it often precedes necessary precautions such as falling out of a basket...oops.  "At least I got that handle in my mouth!"

Seven months is such a fun age!  He laughs all the time, loves to be tickled and is trying his hardest to take off crawling.  I know at any moment he's going to be off.  Until then I'm enjoying my last seconds of a gummy smile and an immobile baby.  Baby-proofing here we come.  Look out Charlotte!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

4, 5, almost 6
 Well I completely missed the four month post and am of course late with the five month one.  To say we've been busy since school has gotten started is probably an understatement.  

Here's the dude in all his growth and glory.
You can click on this picture to make it bigger.

He looks bigger in the four month picture than the five month one, but I swear he hasn't shrunk.  He weighs about 22 pounds so he's quite the big boy.  He's wearing some 3-6 months and mostly 6 months clothes.  I know it won't be long before he jumps to 9 though.

Football season has started and Chris is hoping to have a football fan in Caden.  I think he's safe (for at least the time being) since Caden loves anything that's appearing on TV these days.

I was cleaning out all the pajama gowns that he wore as a newborn and came across Chris's favorite...the football of course.  We had to make sure it still fit and it did...perfectly.  

The first time he wore it, it was rather large.

Caden's favorite things to do these days are to smile, smile, smile, stand up (with help), watch Charlotte, drool, chew on his favorite chewing toy Sophie, and smile some more.  He is such a happy baby and hardly ever cries.  

Here he is with his two favorite toys (other than his doggie blankie).


And the Jungly Tail Book

Besides his favorite toys Caden loves to suck on his tongue and it is so funny.  He looks pretty silly doing it.  Here are a few shots of his funny tongue-sucking faces.  Oh yeah, and check out that unibrow! :)

Charlotte and Caden have gotten much closer these days.  His face lights up whenever he sees her and he loves to get his hands on her.  Charlotte is patient and tries her best to stick around for the "petting" but sometimes she bolts.  She does like to sneak in some licks here and there and I know she'll be a much bigger fan of Caden's when he starts eating food in a couple weeks.

Since school has started we've been getting used to the new schedule.  Caden goes to a babysitter who's a parent from school and she lives right across the street.  We couldn't have gotten any luckier than that.  We are so grateful for her!  And Caden loves it there...especially when the kids get home and play with him.

His aunt Katie has been here this week to visit so he's been playing and enjoying his auntie all week.

Five months old is so much fun.  He definitely is getting a personality and his laughing is getting more and more frequent.  I know baby food, teeth, more laughing, perfecting the sitting position and constantly rolling over are right around the corner.  I need to get as many pictures as I can of that gummy smile I love before those teeth pop out.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Summer Fun

Wow...what a difference a month makes.  I am really late posting this so Caden will actually be four months old this Saturday.  This past month went by so, so fast.  I can't even imagine how quickly the time will fly from this point on since we only have one month left before school starts and then I'll be so busy at work.

Mr. Caden is definitely growing.  I was going to change the two month picture because it is a little funny looking (Chris can't stand it) but his face looks like a little elf haha :)

Caden's all time favorite thing to do these days is stand up.  If you're sitting down holding him he wants to be standing.  He's been loving hanging out in his exersaucer, although he's not quite tall enough so we stacked some chopping blocks underneath so he could get some good leverage and bounce.  It took him two days, but he also figured out how to push the buttons to get the music and lights to play on his own.  It's so fun watching him concentrate and try to figure stuff out.  He gets better every day with his hand-eye coordination....and he's usually got his eye on either his bottle, the TV or my phone...uh oh.

Caden is a really easy baby I have to say.  He doesn't get upset all that often and is smiling most of the time.  He sleeps anywhere from 8-10 1/2 hours every night so I think it's safe to say that we are pretty dang lucky and have a good routine going.  Now we just have to figure it out once school starts and we're both working everyday again.

At the beginning of the summer we took our first trip with Mr. Caden.  We went to Oregon to see his Aunt Katie graduate from college.  He was a trooper for that long drive.  On the way home we stopped at Crater Lake.

And Caden saw (and touched) snow for the first time!  Daddy is so mean! :)

We spent the 4th of July up at Lake Tahoe.   Caden entertained himself with his monkey who he found hysterically funny.

And then he dipped in feet in the lake for the first time.  (Mean Daddy again)

He's so happy and he has no idea what's about to happen... and then....

He wouldn't make eye contact with Chris for a while after that.

The warm temperature of Aunt Lebe's pool seemed to be more his style.

We had Caden's three month photo session with his cousin Erin from I Spy {Photography}.  He was having kind of a rough day and had gotten woken up from a nap to have a camera shoved in his face.  He would not smile at all which is so unlike him.  But we were able to get some good shots and some pretty funny ones with him being Mr. Serious.

And finally....a smile peeked through...

I imagine that it will only get more and more fun from here.  I know sitting up and real food are right around the corner for my little man. <3